5 Scenarios That Could Put You Out Of Business If You Don’t Have a Disaster Recovery Plan
Taking time and money to back up your company data is extremely burdensome, but make no mistake – having a disaster recovery plan is absolutely necessary. Many companies have perished after experiencing a devastating IT catastrophe. Here are 5 scenarios that could leave your businesses in pieces if you haven’t invested in disaster recovery.
Can Your Company Survive Disaster?
- Could your company goes weeks without revenue? Most business owners would say no! Regardless of what type of disaster may come your way, most will leave you scrambling to pick up the pieces if you haven’t prepared. It can only take a few weeks of time before a company has lost so much income that they close up shop.
- Mother nature is unpredictable and unforgiving. Hurricanes, fires and water damage are all examples of how natural disasters can wipe out your company. When this type of disaster occurs it can be devastating, so it is imperative that you have your important data backed up and stored in a safe place.
- It’s no secret that there are malicious attackers on the internet. What would happen if your office became the target of someone looking to obtain sensitive personal information for you or your clients. Once a company experiences a security breach, it can be a problem for the owner, clients and employees.
Maintain Your Good Reputation With Clients and Staff
- Hardware and software are never fool proof, regardless of the quality. Even the best brands become outdated and can break without warning. Often times companies will gain a false sense of security, thinking that if they invest in a good IT infrastructure they won’t have to worry about disaster recovery.
- Regardless of what may come your way, it is important to maintain your reputation to your customers. When a company experiences an IT crisis it can be detrimental to the way that customers view the way you do business. When you appear unprepared, customers look for someone else to take care of their needs.
Are you prepared for the worst case scenario? Having a plan doesn’t mean much if you don’t put it in to motion. Any one of these disasters could put you out of business if you haven’t taken the time to carefully weigh the consequences. For companies who have invested in a disaster recovery plan, getting up and running won’t be a problem.