New Obama Executive Order Creates Investment In Smart Guns

Obama’s New Executive Order

President Obama has long been frustrated by the lack of gun legislation in Congress and earlier this month, he announced an executive order that would clarify some existing laws already on the books. President Obama’s new executive order will expand background checks to include gun shows and some private sales, which previously allowed buyers and sellers to come together and complete a transaction without doing a background check. President Obama will be hiring more ATF agents and other federal agents to ramp up enforcement of gun laws. But the President also did something else fascinating — he created an investment in smart gun technology.

The Investment in Smart guns

President Obama’s interest in smart gun technology is not accidental. The President knows that while stricter gun legislation and potential penalties would be nearly impossible to pass through Congress, smart gun technology could make sense for responsible gun owners, law enforcement, and the greater population alike. The executive order creates three directives for federal departments on smart guns:

  • It authorizes research and development spending
  • Departments must now review the availability of gun safety technology and possible improvements
  • It permits research on how smart technology can limit gun-related homicides

Smart gun technology is appealing because it uses sensors that can read fingerprints or radio waves to determine who is authorized to use the weapon. Some smart guns are even using more complex indicators, such as grip recognition. This technology could keep guns out of the wrong hands and prevent violence if guns are stolen or sold illegally.


Even though President Obama’s executive order was applauded by many, some groups have claimed it is illegal and unnecessary. Among these groups are the NRA, which is perhaps Congress’s strongest lobby. There are legitimate concerns about the accuracy of smart gun technology, but perhaps extensive research could curb some of those fears.

What is the Future Of Smart Gun Technology?

In the future, smart gun technology could be incorporated into all federal agencies. Once the federal government proves that smart gun technology is accurate and can work within its departments, it will likely filter down through the states and to the US population as states and localities pass their own laws. President Obama’s hope is that smart guns will eventually have legislation in Congress, making the technology a key component in owning a firearm.