The Revolutionary New Piece of Gun Technology

Technology has changed the way people do everything, from communicating with others to purchasing products – and now to how guns are used.

Google has announced that they are in the testing phase of a cutting-edge new gun technology that supporters believe is the coolest thing to happen to guns since Smith and Wesson came out with the J-Frame.

The app, which has been aptly dubbed ShotView, will allow those who use it to shoot with precision around corners and from unsupported positions and behind barricades, as long as they are using the proper firearm. There’s no denying the benefits that ShotView will provide for military; however, the average gun user won’t have the opportunity to get their hands on the app. That’s because Tracking Point, the company behind the app, said that at present time, they do not intend to offer the Google Glass app to consumers. However, don’t get too frustrated if you’re a gun fan because you can download the same app to utilize with your tablet or your smartphone.

How Does It Work?

You’re probably wondering how this cutting-edge gun technology works. According to Tracking Point’s description of ShotView, the scope of the gun that will be utilized is outfitted with a camera, which then streams video through a device that is hooked up to WiFi (Google Glass). In other words, the app streams videos in real time from the Heads Up Display of the PGF to your device. The result? – The ability to shoot with the same precision of advanced fighter jets, even for the novice shooter.

ShotView Features

This precision-guided technology boasts several features that are intended to provide shooters with accuracy like they have never seen before. Some of the impressive features of this gun technology include:

  • TriggerLink, which connects the tracking optic with the guided trigger.
  • Tag-and-Shoot, which enables you to shoot with a precise target impact point.
  • A trigger release that is guided by the tracking system.

How It’s Used

At first glance, it may seem like ShotView is difficult to operate; however, in actuality, it couldn’t be easier to use. Once your gun has been outfitted with the technology, all you have to do is press the tag button, which will allow you to select your impact point. Once aligned, you will then be able to align your shot with a tag. Simply pull the trigger and leave the rest of the work to the gun, which will direct the bullet toward your designated point of impact and will hit it with exact precision.

ShotView has really changed the way that gun users shoot their guns, helping to reduce missed shots and hit their target on the first try.

What are your thoughts on this gun technology?